To emulate a browser-like environment, you may use JSDOM.
Quokka automatically detects usages of browser APIs and will automatically suggest to install and use JSDOM if required.
Alternatively, you may install JSDOM as either a global Quokka dependency to make it available for all Quokka projects, or else as a dependency in your project.
npm install jsdom
If you have installed JSOM manually, then you must also add the built-in jsdom-quokka-plugin
to the plugins
of your Quokka configuration:
{ "plugins": ["jsdom-quokka-plugin"]}
If you need to, you may pass additional configuration options:
{ "plugins": ["jsdom-quokka-plugin"], "jsdom": { "file": "/html/file/path" "html": "...", "userAgent": "...", "config": {...} }}
The jsdom.file
setting allows to specify a path to any HTML file.
The jsdom.html
setting allows to specify any HTML as a string.
The jsdom.config
setting is the jsdom
options setting.
If jsdom.file
and jsdom.html
is not provided, Quokka will attempt to load html for a file that has the same folder
and base filename as your Quokka file with an .html
extension. If no {quokkaFile}.html
file exists, Quokka will
attempt to load html from index.html
in the same folder as your Quokka file. If no index.html
is found, Quokka will
set the document’s body to a single div with id
of root
(<div id="root"></div>
Quokka jsdom default settings are shown below:
{ "plugins": ["jsdom-quokka-plugin"], "jsdom": { "userAgent": "quokka.js", "config": { "pretendToBeVisual": true, "runScripts": "dangerously", "url": "http://localhost/" } }}
Inline Config Example
Quokka Scratch File
({ plugins: ['jsdom-quokka-plugin'], jsdom: { html: `<div id="testDiv">Hello</div>` },});
const testDiv = document.getElementById('testDiv');
Loading from HTML file Example
Html File (/test.html)
<html> <head> <title>This is my sample page.</title> </head> <body> <p id="testDiv">Hello World</p> </body></html>
Quokka Scratch File
({ plugins: ['jsdom-quokka-plugin'], jsdom: { file: 'test.html' }, // Located in project root});
const testDiv = document.getElementById('testDiv');
Web Canvas API
If you want to use HTMLCanvasElement
objects with Quokka and jsdom
then you must also install the canvas
in the same location as jsdom
npm install canvas